Sunday, August 17, 2008

Feedback and Suggestion from Concerned Resident

Been receiving quite a few feedback on the recent security breached reported on 23rd July.

Would like to share some of the feedback and suggestions here:

From Anonymous/Concerned CG Resident:
We can't put all the blame on the guards. Sometimes it is the residents fault. I am sure some guards get scolding from certain residents at times. So this put the guards in a difficult position. It would be more civilised to hold a meeting / dialogue session for representatives of CGRA-HGD-SECURITY to highlight the issues so that something productive will come out of this. I won't expect the Security people actually check this blog for security issues & neither does HGD. I won't expect them a bit to do that. But nothing wrong with that. Everyone has a choice.

Residents should also come up with suggestions so that a collective pool of ideas can be explored by CGRA. Good or bad does not matter. Certains good ideas sometimes derived from bad ideas.

The gap between the boom gates, firstly, is too wide & convenient for anyone to just zoom pass. How many times I have seen this - esp. bikes, peddle or motor type. Even walking in is a breeze. Got to the root cause first, not the guards. Once the boom gat gap can be settled, then we shall see how effective it is. HGD is at fault here as they are the one who negotiate for the boom gate. Surely, there are ways to extend the boom gate with some attachments.

Another suggestion I would like to make is add a sign on the boom gate. One indicating visitors & other for residents with electronic card (with a card icon as well in case some don't read or can't read!).

I would also like to highlight the bend in 98P. Despite the convex mirror placed, there are drivers that still don't seem to understand that it is a 2-way road. Some residents/visitors still "makan" jalan on this bend & it is dangerous. God only knows when there will be a head-on collision one day. Most of them who "makan" or "sapu" jalan do it as quite high speed as well. If this continues, a speed bump will be more effective than just a mirror.

On security, I have visited many Japanese plants in the past & have to say that security in these plants are the best in the country. One of the methods adopted by one is that the guards take digital photos of the vehicles coming in & out. They even demand the vehicles to open the boot for them to take photos of the contents in the boot! Photo will be taken for both front & back of vehicle, plus driver. The area of the security is covered, so no problem rain, snow & shine.

I suppose this idea can be expanded to see how it can be applied at CG security in a more friendlier manner & in the interest of the resident's security. After all, there is already a PC. A reasonable good digital camera cost RM 499. Photos can be uploaded into the PC for future ref &/or deleted when no longer needed. But I also wonder what the CCTV at the guardhouse can do?

A sign should be displayed at the guardhouse for visitors to surrender driving licence for entry. Language should be in Malay & English. With a driving licence icon will also help to those who can't read. These are not costly effects.


Anonymous said...

Suggest an electric golf buggy (also environmental friendly) be placed at guardhouse to escort visitors to the designated home. This is also a service for residents who may need to be ferried to guardhouse (a bit too much I know but...don't we all want Canal Gardens to be the prime gated community home - being the 1st we should lead the way). Anyway, the buggy is employed in Valencia (a HGD property development & security also managed by HGD).

Over at some Mont Kiara condo, the guards escort the visitors all the way to the lift. This is after guards get the clearance/verification from resident on the identity of the visitors, etc at the guardhouse.

Unfortunately, CG do not have internal intercom system. But they do have landline.

There is also no roof over the guardhouse. This is very inconvenient to guards as well as visitors. Sometimes residents as well if you know what I mean. A roof over the guardhouse is a practical thing to have.

Anonymous said...

morning, this is a link to the edge daily online paper. there's a recent writeup that you might want to put up on the site. Not sure if we need permission to link but if its properly acknowledged, i dont see why.