Krishnan Jr, the Chairman for Canal Gardens Residents Committee (CGRC) 2008/09 called the meeting to order at 8.30 pm. He thanked the current CGRC members for a job well done.
Minutes of last AGM held on 28 October 2007
Item 6 of minutes should read as:
Mr Lau of 16L mentioned that we should evaluate before deciding to take over the management of the Gardens. This issue will be deliberated by the new CGRC members at their next meeting.
The previous minutes were then proposed, seconded and deemed as passed.
Canal Rectification Works
Krishnan Jr informed the meeting that the CGRC is unhappy with the developer, Hicom-Gamuda Development Sdn Bhd (HGD) for the delay in the rectification works of the canal resulting in a bad stench during hot weather. CGRC members have had meetings with both HGD and Majlis Bandaran Shah Alam (MBSA) on the canal issue from March 2008 – 24 June 2008. Initially HGD had agreed to proceed with the rectification works by building floodgates but on 30 June 2008, HGD expressed their rejection on doing so to MBSA. MBSA had then agreed to take on the responsibility of building the floodgates by using the deposit obtained from HGD. MBSA is currently calling for tenders and rectification works should begin on the first week of December 2008. We shall keep residents informed of developments via our Canal Gardens blog and the notice board.
Persatuan Penduduk Kota Kemuning (PPKK)
Krishnan Jr stressed the importance of being a member of PPKK; PPKK with the relevant authorities has managed to stop the sand lorries from plying the Kota Kemuning area and it has lent a hand in the following issues with regards to Canal Gardens:
1) Canal rectification works
2) Basketball court lights changed
3) Street lights changed to a higher voltage. Currently, these street lights are changed on an alternate sequence but all lights will be changed from 70w to 150w by 2009
4) Unhealthy and dead trees have been replaced with 200 new ones
Residents were encouraged to join or renew their memberships at the registration desk set up.
Financial Position of CGRC accounts
Kenny Khow, our Treasurer briefed the meeting.
Currently, we have approximately RM11,000 in our CGRC fund which is derived from the monthly recycling collections, Family Day and Golf Tournament. From this fund, we have issued a cheque amounting to RM1,000 as donation towards SJK © Chung Hua Klang. We have also purchased 2 units of reflector mirrors as well as a sound system unit for future events.
As for the Audited Accounts from HGD which was received 3 days prior to the Annual General Meeting although we have requested for same for months. CGRC had also requested for HGD’s auditors to be present for any queries but to no avail.
Since there is no representation from HGD or their auditors, residents who have any queries with regards to the audited accounts ending 31 March 2008 are to directly write to HGD Property Services Sdn Bhd or visit their office.
Paul Leong, 35R voiced the following issues:
1) HGD has made no effort to spruce up the vicinity before the AGM which they have done previously. Are they no longer interested?
2) Auditors should be available to present the Audited Accounts and answer queries
3) Dengue cases – regular fogging
4) Suggestion for barbeque pit
5) Recycling – residents should try their best to contribute recyclable items as well as volunteer their time on the first Sunday of each month as the proceeds from the sales will go directly to the CGRC account for the organizing of events for residents
Social and Sports Update
Steven Lim, the current Head of Sports briefed the meeting.
1) Volunteers for Head of Social which is currently vacant, previously held by Mrs Lily Wong who has since left for the US
2) Line Dancing for the ladies ongoing every Monday at RM30 per month with practice session on Thusrdays
3) Martial Arts practice every morning
4) Recycling – first Sunday of each month. We would like to request for more volunteers to assist on the recycling day as well as more contributions in recyclable items
5) Golf – yearly event, next one 2009
6) Family Day – once in two years, next one in 2010
7) Home Gardening contest – once in two years, next one in 2009
8) Forthcoming events: a) cycling day (family event), b) gotong royong, c) Tai Chi
9) Residents walking their dogs to kindly ensure that their pets’ waste is properly taken care of.
There were a few comments/complaints from the floor on the following:
1) runaway maids
2) noisy dogs
3) entry and exit of visitors/contractors/others
4) security as a whole – slacking
Brandon briefed the meeting:
A SOP on security has already been given by HGD and all residents are required to give their full cooperation to ensure that the SOP works. If we want to have good security, we must ensure that we as residents also play a responsible role as follows:
1) Follow the SOP
2) Ensure that we as residents gain access into Canal Gardens by using the access cards and all of us should have the 2008/09 stickers on our windscreens
3) Visitors/contractors are required to register at the guardhouse after which the guards will give them a Visitors Placard to be placed at their dashboards and to be returned upon exit
4) For any reports of missing maids, theft – to report to the Police and complete the incident report forms at the guardhouse for the Security Company’s action and follow ups
5) Noisy and unfriendly dogs – speak to your neighbours directly on the problem; this will also improve your rapport
6) Residents are encouraged not to speed, take a complete turn at the roundabout and not to drive across or park on the turfs
CGRC has given the Security Company 45 days grace to improve on their slackness and should there not be any progress, CGRC will inform HGD for a replacement.
The proposals given by residents on improving security – automation, wireless communication between the guardhouse and individual homes and security measures similar to the one practised in Bukit Rimau will be discussed with HGD and the Security Company.
Canal Gardens Residents Association (CGRA)
JT Chong, our Legal Advisor briefed the meeting.
At present the CGRC is not legal and it has no proper standing when handling matters with HGD or the authorities. Whereas, a Residents Association (RA) is:
1) Permanent and legal. It involves membership fee collections, conducting of yearly audits
2) As it is permanent and long term, a RA requires residents commitment
3) A RA is a common trend nowadays working as a pressure group to make it easier to raise issues with the developer and authorities. Quality of service to residents will hence improve
4) RA must be registered if we want to take over the management of Canal Gardens where we can either appoint our own management company or appoint full-time staff who are reporting to us
5) Acording to the Deed of Mutual Consent (DMC), we must get the consent of HGD to take over the management of Canal Gardens as it involves the collection of maintenance fees and sinking fund. Also according to the DMC, HGD can at anytime revoke the decision and for the management of Canal Gardens to be returned to them
The Township Manager, Tony Ooi has mentioned to Krishnan Jr that HGD have plans on passing over the management of Canal Gardens to the CGRC. Therefore, CGRC would like to request for a decision by residents present on whether to register the CGRA by a show of hands on the following:
1) Yes, to register and set up
2) No because we can still continue using PPKK to liaise with both HGD and the authorities
3) To KIV, as we need time to consider
There was a show of hands on items 1-3 above and the numbers are as follows:
1) 70 )
2) 46 ) 121 present
3) 5 )
CGRC to proceed with the registration of the CGRA as soon as possible.
Questions raised before the count and answered by JT Chong:
Is there a need for a quorum for the decision of registering a CGRA?
Legally, we do not require approval of the residents at this meeting to register the RA. What is required is that the pro-tem committee which presently comprises the CGRC members pass a resolution to register a RA, which the CGRC had already done prior to this residents’ meeting. We merely want the residents to endorse and support the decision of the protem committee to form the RA in order to lend greater moral ground when the RA deals with HGD.
Are there any implications when we sell our houses?
No, you as a house-owner may sell your house at any time regardless of whether you are a RA member. Your capacity as a house-owner is different from your capacity as a member of RA. A RA member pays membership subscription fees to the RA. A house-owner must continue to pay monthly maintenance charges and sinking fund to HGD under the DMC, regardless of whether he is a member of RA.
How do we get out of the DMC?
When we sell and are no longer owners of the property.
Other Matters
1) Notice board will be used for minutes of CGRC meetings and newsletters from both CGRC and HGD
2) Residents are welcome to attend any monthly CGRC meetings, check with your respective road representatives for the dates
3) Collection of donation for the CGRC fund from residents present is RM1,169.00
4) Canal Gardens T-shirt sale @ RM25 per piece available
There being no other matters, the meeting ended at 10.45 pm.
Minuted by: Sonia Tait, Secretary, Canal Gardens Residents Committee
Sunday, December 7, 2008
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