Monday, October 13, 2008

How Come Ah? Can HGD Property Services Enlighten Us Ah?

For those of you who turned up at our annual AGM, thank you. You will have a copy of the "unsigned" Financial Statements of Canal Gardens .... Yeah ... "unsigned" one!?

So we really have some questions for HGD Property Services and we really hope to get some good answers lah ... so we are compiling lah. Let's start with:

1. How come ah we only receive the statements only in October after we asked and asked for it since a few months ago? By the way, the financial statements are for financial year ending 31st March 2008? How come ah?

2. How come ah the financial statement we received got no signature one from the auditor? Forgot to sign? So is this the "final" or "approved" financial statement? How come ah? Again-lah I ain't auditor, so not sure if you kena sign the financial statements ....

3. How come ah, we don't see any extra "landscaping maintenance" when Landscaping Maintenance = RM156,000 ... In FY (Financial Year) 2007, our landscaping = Zero. How come ah? Do you see "landscaping maintenance"? Please enlighten us ...

Dear residents, please feel free to comment and add more questions to the list.

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