Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Security Breached at Road A

We need more pro-active residents like Ong (who took the trouble to email and sent us the photos below ... and who has also highlighted the security issue plus suggestions previously). It is important to highlight security breaches or issues and share with the rest of the residents so that we all can play our part to make sure that Canal Gardens remain safe for our families.


Just to highlights on the security breached mentioned in the blog. There is another security breach last week at Road A (sometime 20 May 2008). This time it happened during broad day light somewhere in the afternoon. We saw an Indian man climb over the security fence at the end of Road A, near the electricity pylon. The fence is 'bengkok' now. (will upload the picture of the fence). Just an update to you guys and as an evidence that the area in Road A is very fragile to security breach.

Look at the "bengkok" fence - Angle 1

Look at the "bengkok" fence - Angle 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, i think security is perhaps the foremost of most people's minds given the rising crime rates. Can I suggest we take some funds raised from our recycling days to buy barbed wire and put it on top of the fences which we deem vulnerable? This would prevent cases of people climbing in and out of the fences.