Monday, June 30, 2008

Break-in - Doritis Zone 1 (Jalan 31/164)

We wish to share with you that a break-in occured in Doritis Zone 1 (Jalan 31/164) on 10 June 2008, around 12.30pm. Please read the following post from their website.

Once again, we would like to remind all Canal Gardens residents to adhere to the security procedures and please ensure that you are part of the "QA" i.e. performing Quality Assurance check and feedback or even tick the security off if they are not performing as per SOP where they need to register visitors as well as contractors.

If you, as a resident, enters and exits Canal Gardens without car sticker and/or access card, we would need you to show the example and duly register with the security as well .... No More Angkat Tangan only. We have seen some residents who actually screamed at the security for stopping them when they have no sticker or access card. This is not the way to treat the security who is doing their job for us, the residents of Canal Gardens.

So, my friend ... auntie / uncle / brother / sister / pakcik / makcik / tuan / puan / cik / saudara / saudari ... Tan Sri or Dato Seri ... if you forgot to bring your access card and so happen driving some other car without the sticker ... please lah register. It only takes a minute. The committees will be paying you a visit should we received any reports from the security on residents who are reluctant to cooperate.

If you see any suspicious people around, just call the security to check on them. Buzz 03-5121-5076.


We wish to inform all residents that a break-in occurred in Jalan 31/164 on 10 June 2008 at 12.30 pm when the occupants were not at home. The robbery was committed by 4 young individuals (2 men and 2 women) who had registered their entry with the guards and had the vehicle detail recorded.

As a result of the above incident, the security provider implemented the following additional security measures:

  • All suspicious vehicles entering Doritis Zone 1 residential area will be escorted by the mobile patrol unit to the respective houses.
  • All contractors/visitors entering Doritis Zone 1 are required to display the visitors' placards on their lorry/car dashboard. The guards will also check on suspicous vehicles parked within the residential area (without car stickers and visitors pass)

We would greatly appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all residents in informing your visitors of the new security procedure. We would also appreciate that all residents remain vigilant at all time and inform the guards of any suspicious characters and vehicles in our area.

The new security procedure may impede the smooth entry of visitors into our residential areas but it will go towards protecting our family from harm's way.

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