1. Speed Bump / Road Hump is Too "Tall"
We received quite a number of feedback and complaints on the speed bump which was built on Jalan 98J. Apparently this speed bump was built without proper approval from the relevant authority. It is too "tall" and this poses daily problems to the residents who uses Jalan 98F, as this “tall” speed bump is hard to negotiate even at very slow speeds. Bottom kena scratch! A number of residents have written to the MBSA to complaint about this issue. We believe the speed bump is good. However, we would like the authority to “lower” the speed bump (rather than removing it totally).
2. Speeding - Please NO Speeding!
In the first place, the issue above with regards to speed bump would not occur if we all can be more sensible and reasonable when it comes to driving. We need to help one another to make this a better and safer place. If you see someone driving recklessly and speeding, please take down their plate number and buzz our security (03-5121-5076). If you know him or her, why not go over and have a friendly chat? The official speed limit within Canal Gardens is 35KMH. We believe doing a 20KMH – 25KMH would be good enough to get you home within one or two minutes from our main entrance right to your doorstep. Can we have your attention and cooperation to drive carefully and slowly … especially when you are within the Canal Gardens?
3. Taking Care of Your Precious Pets
We are also calling all pet owners to help jaga their pets to ensure that no untoward incidents as there are a few complaints on dogs running loose around the Canal Gardens. We like to have your cooperation to keep your dog on a leash at all times while in public / common areas. Please also refrain your lovely pets from defile, defecate or commit "nuisance" on public / common areas. Should your lovely pets really need to have a “go”, please have the courtesy to immediately remove all feces and dispose them like how you would do so if they have a “go” at your own compound.
4. Exit Auto Gate
We have been trying to get HGD Property Services to fix this asap. It’s been more than one month. We are still trying. You can do your part by calling them at this number 03 – 5122-8100 and ask them when can they fix it.
5. Sports and Social Event – Golf
We have postponed this event to 24th February 2008 (Sunday). Please stay tune for more detailed information on how you can participate and get to know your fellow golfers from Canal Gardens.
6. Sports and Social Event – Family Day
Our plan is to have this on 22nd March 2008 (Saturday). Our friendly committees and road reps will be making their rounds to get some feedbacks and estimates on the number of people who will be participating in this year’s event.
7. Security - Please Help Our Guards Do Their Jobs
We seek your cooperation to cooperate with our security guards. Please help them do their job as we all want a very safe environment for our family. Please ensure that all your guests are properly informed that they need to let the security guards take down their particulars. For those on renovations, please ensure that your contractors are also registered with the security guards. We all understand that this may cause some inconvenient. But this is a very, very small price to pay to ensure top notch security within Canal Gardens.
CGRC will be meeting up with the relevant authorities to have dialogues and clarifications as well as seek their help to resolve issues faced by our residents (on the above matters). Stay tune for updates.
Dear all,
With reference to the CGRC 4th mtg minutes on the illegal road hump. Pls take note that the hump is located at Jalan 98F and not 98J.
I fully support building of the hump to slow down the traffic, but then, if it does not follow the specification, it became inconvenience to residents. In the first place, why HGD allowed the resident to build the hump illegally? For the house renovation, we need to put a security deposit before commencing work, while in this case, resident can build an illegal hump OUTSIDE his house for the inconvenience of others? Can I also build something as my wish?
My cars are scratched everytime passing thru the illegal hump, imagine for 365 days, what will happen? Who will pay for the repair bill?
I have complaint to MBSA and nothing has been done, I was told that need the resident association to complaint as individual complaint is not effective.I hope more concrete action can be done before more residents do things as they wish,
Hi CG,
Thanks for the feedback. Indeed, the Jalan is 98F.
We have received numerous complaints on the hump - which is why this is our #1 Topic on our meeting.
The CGRC will be having its monthly meeting this Friday, 15 Feb. Will keep all posted on this issue.
Speed bump is a good thing if constructed properly & they are not always necessary the shape of a semi-circle. The speed bump also deters visitors (...all kinds...) to speed within the residential compound. Most residents would have the common sense to go at a good speed & would be alert of kids cycling around, but not to new visitors or those just moved in. Not only that, I have seen kids playing in the middle of the road. To make it worst, close to the bend or turning. This was the case at 98P, which is quite a long stretch & it bends sharply (left) leading to Q,R...& have seen many vehicles "sapu kona", in both ways (eating into opposite lane). I was almost hit once head-on by such driving because of that! Not saying we have to be perfect...just need to be more considerate, if not, more civilised at least!
Dear Meng,
Any update on this issue as I do not see it in the minutes.
We have highlighted this to MBSA and their response is that they will look into this. Apparently they have to wait for the new budget. Will keep all posted on this.
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